2025 Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease
Opens Oct 15 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Jan 10 2025 11:59 PM (EST)

Grant Overview


The Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease Grant provides funding to identify a potential microbial link to Alzheimer’s disease. All awards must be narrowly focused on elucidating the possible roles of infectious agents in the causation of Alzheimer's disease. The grant awards will support innovative research including basic, clinical, and/or non-traditional approaches. This includes proposals that span the breadth of the microbial world including bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and microbial synergy among other possibilities.


This funding is designed to accomplish the following objectives: To obtain evidence that an infectious agent or microbial community is correlated to Alzheimer’s disease. To promote novel research in the field of microbial triggers for Alzheimer’s disease. 

Funding Priorities

This year funding will be focused on promoting and supporting existing researchers to further their work and scale their research to the next level of funding, through NIA/ NIH or another larger funding mechanism.  We will be funding alignment between established researchers to share their resources and findings. These collaborations will link researchers working on similar or complimentary aspects of the disease (i.e., brain and gut microbiome, or researchers examining different aspects of the herpes connection to AD, etc.). 

Former IDSA grantees will be given preference in these existing research funding proposals. 

Funds will be distributed in the following segments:

Three (3) grants to established research applications at $100,000 to further existing pathogenic AD research. 

Two (2) grants to collaborative research teams at $75,000 to advance pathogenic AD research.


Application Limitations

Projects that concentrate on indirect nonspecific phenomena such as inflammation or protein plaques and tangles will not be considered.  Grant awards should not duplicate currently funded work.

Application Rules

Only complete applications received by the deadline will be reviewed.

The IDSA strongly encourages applications by women, people of color, under-represented populations and those who have experienced varied and non-traditional career trajectories. 

Previous grantees are encouraged to apply.

Research Proposal Narrative

Multiple investigators working on the project at the time of application are allowed but there may only be one PI for 100,000 research grants.[PA1] For Collaborative Research Grants, co-PI’s are allowed. A primary funded institution must be identified, and the collaborating lab(s) will be considered sub-awardees.

Abstract (250 words maximum) 

Introduction and Background: Outline of the problem, area of research and proposed approach. Specific Objectives: Goals should be clearly stated, measurable, and outlined in minimum of 6-month increments. Funding distribution will be dependent on these goals. 

Procedures and Methods: How will research be conducted, and data be collected and analyzed. 

Benefits or Significance of the Research

All illustrations, tables, and figures

In addition, the application should include:

  1. A list of citations (no more than 25) that support the research proposal must be included with the proposal (citation are not included in page limit).
  2. Letter of support from the institution leadership verifying institutional support and resources for proposed research (one-page maximum).
  3. Letter from Institution verifying faculty appointment, and eligibility of PI to apply for external funding. 
    • The Letter of Support and verification/eligibility to apply can be within the same letter.
  4. PI’s biosketch (using NIH biosketch format: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm)
  5. Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure(s). 
    • IDSA Foundation does not require a specific form, please use the form provided by your institution.


Budget and justification not to exceed two pages. A detailed budget including expenditures for the following:

  • Personnel (salary and fringe benefits, not to exceed 15% of total budget).
  • Supply Costs should be reasonable and consistent with the project proposal.
  • Services (I.e., data analysis, genomic/microbiome sequencing costs, statistical support among others).
  • Costs for animal care should be provided.
  • Equipment and travel costs (except travel to IDWeek or travel to present research of this grant) are not allowed. 
  • No indirect costs are provided to the Institution to which grants are awarded.
  • Total salary support for PI and Co-PI (if applicable) should not exceed 15% of budget total (this includes fringe cost).
  • A detailed and justified budget proportionate to the scope of the project must be included with the application.
  • Budget should be limited to 2 pages.


Application should be submitted via SurveyMonkey Apply. Other applications will not be accepted. Budget page should be prepared in Excel format. Excel sheets should be converted to PDF and uploaded along with Budget Justification in SurveyMonkey Apply. Budget and Budget Justification should not exceed two pages. 


All applications must be submitted in standard American English. All terms must be spelled out the first time the term is used and note the appropriate abbreviation in parentheses. The abbreviation may be used thereafter. Avoid jargon.

Paper Size, Page Layout and Font for Attachments

Paper size, page layout, and font size refer to the format of the NIH Grant (https://tinyurl.com/y9k64fwl)Page layout: Minimum margins are one-half inch on top, bottom, left, and right for all pages. Fonts: The following fonts are recommended at a size of 11 points or larger: Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, and Palatino Linotype.

Figures, Tables, Figure Legends, Footnotes/Endnotes, Photographs and Images

A smaller type is acceptable, but must be in black ink, readily legible. Footnotes or endnotes are to be numbered consecutively. All illustrations, tables, and images (maximum of six) must be imbedded directly within the application documents. 


Save all document attachments with descriptive filenames of 50 characters or less (including spaces).Use one space (not two or more) between words or characters and do not begin the filename with a space or include a space immediately before the .pdf extension.

Avoid the use of ampersand (&) since it requires special formatting (i.e., &amp).

Reviews and Awards

Review Process

Staff will review the application for completeness and compliance with grant proposal guidelines detailed above. Application materials will be distributed to the Research Review panel for preliminary scoring, each application will be scored by 2 independent reviewers and reviewed by the panel co-chairs.

The Research Review panel will meet to discuss applications and make recommendations to the IDSA Foundation Board of Directors.

Final approval for funding will be made by the IDSA Board of Directors.

Applicants will be notified in writing of acceptance or rejection of the grant proposal.

Reviewer Feedback will be provided to all applicants. 

The PI will sign a written agreement outlining the terms of the award. 

The start and end date of the twelve-month period will be included in the written agreement.

Important Dates:

  • Application Opens: October 15, 2024
  • Application Information Webinar: November 6, 2024
  • Application Closes: January 10, 2025
  • Reviews Completed February 15, 2025
  • Applicants are Notified April 1, 2025
  • New Grantee Orientation Webinar: May 1, 2025

Funding Distribution

50% of the proposal budget will be awarded upon execution of the LOA between IDSA and the PI University.

The remaining budget will be awarded upon completion of initial 6-month goals, as outlined in the application and reported in the 6-month report in SurveyMonkey Apply.

If 6-month goals are not met within the 6-month timeframe, funds will be held until the goals have been sufficiently met. 

Post-Award Requirements and Reports

Any substantive changes to the original research plan or budget must be discussed with the IDSA and submitted in writing. Awardees are required to submit progress report via SurveyMonkey Apply at 6 and 12-months post award. Progress reports must contain a summary of significant findings and a financial accounting of grant expenditures.

Additional reports will be required every 6 months during a No Cost Extension period. Within 90 days of the final report submission (with date notification), all grant awardees will present final report findings in presentation form to the IDSA Board and grant funders.All grant awardees must complete an annual post-award survey form for 3 years following end of funding (including No Cost Extensions).

No Cost Extensions (NCE's)

If requesting a no-cost extension (NCE), you will be required to complete and submit the NCE form through Survey Monkey Apply. You will be asked to upload a budget rationale and cover letter with an updated project plan. A NCE allows a grantee to extend the project period end date and budget period for the sole purpose of completing grant activities.

Please be aware, NCE requests will not be approved for the sole purpose of using unobligated balances. 

A grantee can spend their remaining grant funds during the extension period because the budget period is also extended. However, the NCE does not authorize additional spending on any new activities beyond the purposes consistent with the project proposal. 

Extension Periods:

  • For $30,000-$50,00 grants the maximum total extension period is 2 years from original start date. (1-year extension maximum) 
  • For grants over $50,000 the maximum total extension period is 3 years from original start date. (2-year extension maximum)
  • The maximum total extension period is the combined total of all NCE requests. If goals are not met and/ or funds are not expended during the maximum total extension period, the remaining balance of funds will be returned to IDSA within 90 days of the NCE end date.  

Attendance of IDWeek

Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit a poster/presentation at IDWeek and attend the annual The Science of Alzheimer’s & Infectious Diseases Symposium at IDWeek. Travel scholarships for attending IDWeek are available.  


Publication of research is strongly encouraged. All publications resulting from research using IDSA resources are required to cite the IDSA as a contributing source of support. 

Note: The grant is offered to both Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Non-IDSA members. These one-time grants are slated to identify potential microbial link to Alzheimer’s disease. Please review the Grant RFA for additional information. For additional inquiries and questions, please email Amy Shapley-Farrell at ashapley@idsociety.org.


2025 Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease

Grant Overview


The Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease Grant provides funding to identify a potential microbial link to Alzheimer’s disease. All awards must be narrowly focused on elucidating the possible roles of infectious agents in the causation of Alzheimer's disease. The grant awards will support innovative research including basic, clinical, and/or non-traditional approaches. This includes proposals that span the breadth of the microbial world including bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and microbial synergy among other possibilities.


This funding is designed to accomplish the following objectives: To obtain evidence that an infectious agent or microbial community is correlated to Alzheimer’s disease. To promote novel research in the field of microbial triggers for Alzheimer’s disease. 

Funding Priorities

This year funding will be focused on promoting and supporting existing researchers to further their work and scale their research to the next level of funding, through NIA/ NIH or another larger funding mechanism.  We will be funding alignment between established researchers to share their resources and findings. These collaborations will link researchers working on similar or complimentary aspects of the disease (i.e., brain and gut microbiome, or researchers examining different aspects of the herpes connection to AD, etc.). 

Former IDSA grantees will be given preference in these existing research funding proposals. 

Funds will be distributed in the following segments:

Three (3) grants to established research applications at $100,000 to further existing pathogenic AD research. 

Two (2) grants to collaborative research teams at $75,000 to advance pathogenic AD research.


Application Limitations

Projects that concentrate on indirect nonspecific phenomena such as inflammation or protein plaques and tangles will not be considered.  Grant awards should not duplicate currently funded work.

Application Rules

Only complete applications received by the deadline will be reviewed.

The IDSA strongly encourages applications by women, people of color, under-represented populations and those who have experienced varied and non-traditional career trajectories. 

Previous grantees are encouraged to apply.

Research Proposal Narrative

Multiple investigators working on the project at the time of application are allowed but there may only be one PI for 100,000 research grants.[PA1] For Collaborative Research Grants, co-PI’s are allowed. A primary funded institution must be identified, and the collaborating lab(s) will be considered sub-awardees.

Abstract (250 words maximum) 

Introduction and Background: Outline of the problem, area of research and proposed approach. Specific Objectives: Goals should be clearly stated, measurable, and outlined in minimum of 6-month increments. Funding distribution will be dependent on these goals. 

Procedures and Methods: How will research be conducted, and data be collected and analyzed. 

Benefits or Significance of the Research

All illustrations, tables, and figures

In addition, the application should include:

  1. A list of citations (no more than 25) that support the research proposal must be included with the proposal (citation are not included in page limit).
  2. Letter of support from the institution leadership verifying institutional support and resources for proposed research (one-page maximum).
  3. Letter from Institution verifying faculty appointment, and eligibility of PI to apply for external funding. 
    • The Letter of Support and verification/eligibility to apply can be within the same letter.
  4. PI’s biosketch (using NIH biosketch format: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm)
  5. Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure(s). 
    • IDSA Foundation does not require a specific form, please use the form provided by your institution.


Budget and justification not to exceed two pages. A detailed budget including expenditures for the following:

  • Personnel (salary and fringe benefits, not to exceed 15% of total budget).
  • Supply Costs should be reasonable and consistent with the project proposal.
  • Services (I.e., data analysis, genomic/microbiome sequencing costs, statistical support among others).
  • Costs for animal care should be provided.
  • Equipment and travel costs (except travel to IDWeek or travel to present research of this grant) are not allowed. 
  • No indirect costs are provided to the Institution to which grants are awarded.
  • Total salary support for PI and Co-PI (if applicable) should not exceed 15% of budget total (this includes fringe cost).
  • A detailed and justified budget proportionate to the scope of the project must be included with the application.
  • Budget should be limited to 2 pages.


Application should be submitted via SurveyMonkey Apply. Other applications will not be accepted. Budget page should be prepared in Excel format. Excel sheets should be converted to PDF and uploaded along with Budget Justification in SurveyMonkey Apply. Budget and Budget Justification should not exceed two pages. 


All applications must be submitted in standard American English. All terms must be spelled out the first time the term is used and note the appropriate abbreviation in parentheses. The abbreviation may be used thereafter. Avoid jargon.

Paper Size, Page Layout and Font for Attachments

Paper size, page layout, and font size refer to the format of the NIH Grant (https://tinyurl.com/y9k64fwl)Page layout: Minimum margins are one-half inch on top, bottom, left, and right for all pages. Fonts: The following fonts are recommended at a size of 11 points or larger: Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, and Palatino Linotype.

Figures, Tables, Figure Legends, Footnotes/Endnotes, Photographs and Images

A smaller type is acceptable, but must be in black ink, readily legible. Footnotes or endnotes are to be numbered consecutively. All illustrations, tables, and images (maximum of six) must be imbedded directly within the application documents. 


Save all document attachments with descriptive filenames of 50 characters or less (including spaces).Use one space (not two or more) between words or characters and do not begin the filename with a space or include a space immediately before the .pdf extension.

Avoid the use of ampersand (&) since it requires special formatting (i.e., &amp).

Reviews and Awards

Review Process

Staff will review the application for completeness and compliance with grant proposal guidelines detailed above. Application materials will be distributed to the Research Review panel for preliminary scoring, each application will be scored by 2 independent reviewers and reviewed by the panel co-chairs.

The Research Review panel will meet to discuss applications and make recommendations to the IDSA Foundation Board of Directors.

Final approval for funding will be made by the IDSA Board of Directors.

Applicants will be notified in writing of acceptance or rejection of the grant proposal.

Reviewer Feedback will be provided to all applicants. 

The PI will sign a written agreement outlining the terms of the award. 

The start and end date of the twelve-month period will be included in the written agreement.

Important Dates:

  • Application Opens: October 15, 2024
  • Application Information Webinar: November 6, 2024
  • Application Closes: January 10, 2025
  • Reviews Completed February 15, 2025
  • Applicants are Notified April 1, 2025
  • New Grantee Orientation Webinar: May 1, 2025

Funding Distribution

50% of the proposal budget will be awarded upon execution of the LOA between IDSA and the PI University.

The remaining budget will be awarded upon completion of initial 6-month goals, as outlined in the application and reported in the 6-month report in SurveyMonkey Apply.

If 6-month goals are not met within the 6-month timeframe, funds will be held until the goals have been sufficiently met. 

Post-Award Requirements and Reports

Any substantive changes to the original research plan or budget must be discussed with the IDSA and submitted in writing. Awardees are required to submit progress report via SurveyMonkey Apply at 6 and 12-months post award. Progress reports must contain a summary of significant findings and a financial accounting of grant expenditures.

Additional reports will be required every 6 months during a No Cost Extension period. Within 90 days of the final report submission (with date notification), all grant awardees will present final report findings in presentation form to the IDSA Board and grant funders.All grant awardees must complete an annual post-award survey form for 3 years following end of funding (including No Cost Extensions).

No Cost Extensions (NCE's)

If requesting a no-cost extension (NCE), you will be required to complete and submit the NCE form through Survey Monkey Apply. You will be asked to upload a budget rationale and cover letter with an updated project plan. A NCE allows a grantee to extend the project period end date and budget period for the sole purpose of completing grant activities.

Please be aware, NCE requests will not be approved for the sole purpose of using unobligated balances. 

A grantee can spend their remaining grant funds during the extension period because the budget period is also extended. However, the NCE does not authorize additional spending on any new activities beyond the purposes consistent with the project proposal. 

Extension Periods:

  • For $30,000-$50,00 grants the maximum total extension period is 2 years from original start date. (1-year extension maximum) 
  • For grants over $50,000 the maximum total extension period is 3 years from original start date. (2-year extension maximum)
  • The maximum total extension period is the combined total of all NCE requests. If goals are not met and/ or funds are not expended during the maximum total extension period, the remaining balance of funds will be returned to IDSA within 90 days of the NCE end date.  

Attendance of IDWeek

Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit a poster/presentation at IDWeek and attend the annual The Science of Alzheimer’s & Infectious Diseases Symposium at IDWeek. Travel scholarships for attending IDWeek are available.  


Publication of research is strongly encouraged. All publications resulting from research using IDSA resources are required to cite the IDSA as a contributing source of support. 

Note: The grant is offered to both Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Non-IDSA members. These one-time grants are slated to identify potential microbial link to Alzheimer’s disease. Please review the Grant RFA for additional information. For additional inquiries and questions, please email Amy Shapley-Farrell at ashapley@idsociety.org.

Oct 15 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)
Jan 10 2025 11:59 PM (EST)